Este site é 100% baseado em CSS.Nem mesmo uma única linha de javascript foi usada.
Funciona em um único arquivo html.Todas as fontes e CSS são incorporadas à página.
Zero solicitações de http.Nenhuma imagem externa, fontes ou CSS foram usados.
Sem JPGs, GIFs ou PNGs.Todos os gráficos usados são SVGs embutidos.
Gopal a designer, developer and blogger with more than 10 years of experience, is passionate in exploring the incessant possibilities the web can offer.
Gopal considers himself fortunate in being born and brought up in the God's own country (Kerala, India).
In his spare time, Gopal also writes and contributes to the tech community
Front-end development for Apple Dev Forums which provides a collaborative environment to discuss a range of topics on development and distribution across the following platforms - iOS, Mac, and Safari Developer Program.
ViewInvolved in the design and development of the Mozilla's "Popcorn Webmaker" a project that adds interactivity and context to online video, pulling the rest of the web right into the action in real time.
ViewGopal as a Team Lead of the Web Design department led from the front through his exemplary talent. He managed to satisfy his clients to the extent that the clients were willing to pay more than what was asked for, to retain him.
I have worked with Gopal on many projects in the past and have enjoyed the working relationship. He produces very high quality design, on time, and in a professional manner.
Man with an 'Aesthetic Sense'. I met him when he was a fresh blood and over the years he has tranasformed into a good professional.Very dedicated and hard working and a passion to strive more.
Got interviewed for a regional channel, “Amrita Television” for their cutting edge technology-based show “Tech Mantra – Keys to future”.
The mobile version of was featured on the .Net Magazine - a monthly Internet magazine and website published in the UK. recognizes and promotes the talents and efforts of the best developers, designers and web agencies in the world.